Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Originally uploaded by yarngoddessme13

I have been knitting I finished the Hufflepuff bookscarf for my Hogwarts sock pal. I forgot to take a pic of it. I started a Ravenclaw one for myself and hubby has requested a Gryffindor one. I love these so quick and easy.

Oh and BTW. I got an invite. That's right and invite to Ravelry!!!!

OMG I so feel like one of the cool kids for once in my life. I have been playing with it and checking it out and I love it. I cannot wait to go thru all of my stash and upload all my pics and organzie everything. I was so happy I was jumping yesterday morning I opened my email and screamed.

Loving hubby ran out "What's wrong"

Me "I got an invite to Ravelry!!"

H " Oh thats nice stop screaming"

Me "Could you pretend to be happy for me"

H " No would you pretend to be happy for me if it was a comic book or action figure site? I don't think so Did you make coffee?"

Just like that he crushed me. So my SIL comes over.

Me "I need to tell you something and I don't care what you think pretend it is the best thing in the world and you are pysched for me"

s "ok"

me " I got an invite to Ravelry!"

s "huh?" with matching dumbfounded look.

me "It's like myspace for knitters and it is way cool and I love it"

s "huh?"

Thanks I need a Knitter friend definately!!


Anonymous said...

Yay!!! You got invited to ravelry! I know the feeling trying to explain the elation to non-knitters. But know there's others like you who appreciate the screaming and jumping!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about being so excited; when I got my invite I was at work and thought I'd just take a little look. Well, I didn't get ANY work done all day; I was Ravelry all damn day. Good thing they don't monitor our internet usage (at least not yet) :)