Tuesday, May 02, 2006

My faithful Clie of 5 years passed away on me the other day. This was an original Clie. It was slow had low memory and was black and white, but I ran my life. Everything was in there. I almost could not get up in the morning with out it. Crazy me, I thought I could learn to live without it but alas I cannot, I mean really who was I kidding. Funny thing, they no longer make a Sony Clie. Well......considering that I am the most unorganized person in the world I need all the help I can get so I had to break down and buy a Palm Z 22. Ya know what. I actually like it. I like it a lot. I was able to upload pictures of my girls to it to take with me and color code all of our schedules, Mine, hubby, and the girls. Dr's appts. and all that fun stuff. I really do like it. It has more upgraded features and it also gives me more choices of what I want to do on it. I do really like and so far I am even better organized then when I had my Clie (due to more efficient programs) So farwell my black and white friend and hello the new color way upgraded Z22. Posted by Picasa

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