Friday, January 19, 2007

OK I Know it seems I am at again. I promise to blog and then disappear. But this time I have a legitimate excuse. Ok So 2 am Tuesday morning I woke up in horrendous pain. I mean I would rather be giving birth with no drugs then the pain I was in. Had no clue what was wrong. So 8 am kiddie off to school I go to the walk-in clinic as the Dr office is not open until 9. They tell me they cannot treat me until it is approved by the Dr office due to insurance. By the time all this get straightened out it is 9:20 I call Dr they tell me they can't approve it cuz they have an appointment open at 3:15. By this point I am sobbing I am in so much pain my whole left side of my face is swollen and I think I am dying. They really expect me to wait 6 hours to be seen. Are the Fucking Kidding Me. I go to work. I call again about 11:30 . I am sobbing so hard I can barely talk (now I have an incredibly high pain tolerance. I am not a wuss) I ask them if there is anything they can do I cannot wait another 4 hours. At the same time I am trying to take care of the baby. The nurse gets on the phone and tells me my only option is to go to the ER. Now we had a pretty good snow Monday and this is Tuesday there are accidents everywhere. Where I live in Maine is one of the biggest and best hospitals that everyone gets sent to. Great. Go to ER 12:00 Get Triage at 1:00, get put in room 1:30, nurse comes in 2:30 gives me vicodin and tells me Dr will be in soon, 3:00 nurse comes in I am still sobbing gives me 2 mind you 2 Oxycontin. 3:10 I am puking everywhere and still in pain plus sleepy I have been up since 2 am. 3:15 Dr comes in looks in my ear and says Oh My God Look at this you must be in a lot of pain. (DUH!) This is the worst abscess I have ever seen and it is all backed up. Great!! Wants to give me more pain pills. No Thank you Just pop it. 3:30 nurse comes back in and he put some numbing drops in my ear and the irrigates it and the tries to cut it open slightly. I still have blood running out of my ear and it is now Friday. At least the pain is somewhat gone. My face is still swollen. I cannot move my jaw and I have not eaten since Monday. I have been doped up and in lala land the past week and I plan to remain there the weekend too. Happy Healthy Knitting to all!

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