Monday, February 13, 2006

Well Well Well. I am doing the shell for the fingers on the second mitten. I am kinda of disappointed with it as far as mitten #2 is a bit longer than mitten #1 I have no idea how that happened. It will be ok. I am really the one I'm sure who will notice any difference. They are a birthday gift for my SIL's boyfriend (who I don't really care for anyway, but that is for another post) on Wednesday. Right now I am also working on the Baby's first tattoo sweater out of SNB nation. I am doing silver edges with lion brand micro spun in black as the body of the sweater. I am going to put the star motif on the fronts in silver and on the back I am going to attempt to put Jovi Baby. My sister is a huge Bon Jovi fan and her husband plays in a Bon Jovi tribute band as well. Anyone in the NY/NJ area interested in seeing them play contact me and I will give you their website address for dates. Ok shameless plug over.

I have decided to join Lolly's Project Spectrum and Postcard swap as well. I cannot wait to get started I have the perfect projects in mind for most of the months as well. I love being able to be a part of something with other people and to share different thing with people all over. Not to mention to be able to see the talents that all the others possess in creating things.

I just want to also throw a note in that I am so jealous of all the people who got snow and I didn't. I mean I live in Maine for god sake and we only got maybe 3 inches while others got a foot plus. Its not fair I was all looking forward to getting snowed in and curling up with a cup of black chai tea and my knitting. But alas no snow. Well a little but not enough to called snowed in. So to all others who did get it I am way jealous of you. Back to finishing the shell for the mitten and eating peanut butter oreo's.

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