Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Since I was so very upset that I could not get tickets to see Pirates on friday. Every theater every show sold out ( not to mention that I live in the sticks and cannot do online ticketing, but that is a grip for another day) so since I had at least a 4 hour drive on Saturday to bury my father in law I made this so I would have it to take it with me Sunday since I was going to see the movie sunday come hell or high water. On the drive I made this and finished it and felted it when I got home and I did take it with me sunday to see the movie. Which btw I loved, loved, loved. It was really good. So check out my Pirate bag made using Hello Yarn's pattern and Brown sheep lamb's pride worsted. It got way fuzzy in the machine. Needed trim and shave.
After trim and shave. Not too bad if I do say so myself.
Hubby went fishing Monday. Here is his big catch LOL!
Later he did end up catching the biggest fish for the day which was a bass. He was so proud.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice bag! Was it still a bit wet when you used it on Sunday????? It always seems to take my felted project days and days to dry.